Monday, February 28, 2011


sumber : http://situslakalaka.blogspot.com/2011/02/misteri-gempa-yogya-2-tahun-silam.html
Labels: Dunia aneh
Biadab, Kedok Amerika Dibalik Tragedi Tsunami Aceh Terbongkar
0 comments Posted by eightq at 6:29 AMhttp://situslakalaka.blogspot.com/2011/02/biadab-kedok-amerika-dibalik-tragedi.html
Labels: Berita unik
Wanita lajang ini menjadi guru anak Orang Rimba bergabung dengan kelompok aktivis
LSM Lingkungan Warung Informasi (WARSI). Dia sudah bergabung sejak 2009 silam, setelah setahun sebelumnya menggondol sarjana antropolog. Karlin, begitu sapaan akrabnya, memang tipe wanita yang suka petualang. Dia rela meninggalkan jauh keluarganya di Yogyakarta. Pilihannya ingin mengabdikan kemampuannya untuk anak Orang Rimba, suatu kelompok masyarakat pedalaman di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas (TNBD) nan jauh dari hingar bingarnya hidup di perkotaan.
"Ketika awalnya memilih pekerjaan seperti ini, sempat ada teguran dari orangtua. Ya mungkin semua orang juga berpikiran ingin hidup dan bekerja di tempat yang bersih, tidak seperti saya hidup di tengah hutan belantara," kata Karlin dalam perbincangan dengan detikcom beberapa waktu lalu.
Tapi yang namanya hidup, merupakan pilihan dan kesenangan. Karlin bisa meyakinkan
pada keluarganya, bahwa alternatif yang dipilihnya sebagai bentuk tantangan tersendiri dalam hidupnya. Hatinya terpanggil ingin mengabdi tanpa pamrih pada anak Orang Rimba ini, ketikanya di bangku kuliah sempat melihat sebuah iklan di TV. Di mana sosok wanita tangguh yang dikenal dengan nama Butet -kala itu bekerja di Warsi- menjadi guru anak Rimba.
Dari sana, Karlin yang juga hobi panjat gunung ini merasa terpanggil. Dia ingin setelah meraih sarjana, kelak bisa bergabung bersama Warsi. Kelompok aktivis Warsi sendiri sejak tahun 1998 silam sudah membuat kelompok belajar alternatif untuk anak-anak Rimba itu.
Kebetulan ketika itu Warsi membuka lowongan buat tenaga pengajar bagi anak Orang Rimba. Setelah bergabung, tahap awal Karlin harus beradaptasi dengan situasi dan suasana di lingkungan hutan belantara itu. Untuk menempuh jalur ke kawasan hutan, cewek bertubuh mungil ini, harus berjalan kaki menelusuri perbukitan. Di kawasan penyanggah TNBD, memang disana ada Posko Warsi. Dari sana, Karin harus beranjak kembali menuju perkampungan Orang Rimba. Paling dekat dari Posko Warsi, dia berjalan minimal satu jam. Namun demikian masih ada kelompok Orang Rimba lainnya yang jauh di tengah kawasan hutan yang harus ditempuh berjalan kaki selama 9 jam.
"Kita tidur di Posko Warsi yang ada di pinggir taman. Orang Rimba baik-baik, bila mereka berhasil berburu, saya pasti diberi dagingnya," kata Karlin.
Awalnya, Karlin tidak membayangkan kondisi Orang Rimba yang sesungguhnya. Fakta di
lapangan, ketika pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di pemukiman Orang Rimba, dia terkejut ternyata masih ada rumah beratapkan terpal tanpa dinding. Kaum wanitanya hanya mengenakan kemben dan masih banyak anak-anak tanpa busana.
"Walau sudah banyak baca buku tentang suku-suku di Indonesia, namun masih sulit dipercaya kalau zaman sekarang masih ada komunitas marginal seperti Orang Rimba," kata Karlin yang sebelum masuk UGM merupakan tamatan dari SMK Cipta Karya, Medan
Tidak terlalu sulit memang baginya beradaptasi dengan lingkungan Orang Rimba. Ini dimungkinkan, karena aktivitas Warsi selama ini sudah cukup dekat dengan masyarakat
Rimba. Sehingga dengan membawa nama Warsi, kelompok masyarakat Rimba bisa menerima dengan terbuka.
"Senangnya mereka selalu terbuka dengan saya, mungkin karena mereka sudah percaya
sama Warsi, jadi begitu saya masuk boleh dikata tidak ada halangan yang berarti dalam bergaul dengan mereka," lanjut gadis asal Yogyakarta ini.
Tugas mengajar menulis dan berhitung dijalankannya dengan senang hati. Ada sekitar 30-an anak Rimba yang membutuhkan tegananya. Dari jumlah itu, mereka tidak satu lokasi. Mereka terdiri dari kelompok yang berbeda dan lokasi yang berbeda.
"Kebetulan anak-anak rimba sangat cepat menangkap, dan mereka sangat antusias setiap kali belajar," ujar Karlin.
Proses belajarnya, Karlin harus berdiam diri selama dua pekan di dalam hutan dua pekan lainnya beristirahat di Kota Jambi. Papan tulis dan kapur serta sejumlah buku, pena dan pensil selalu menyertainya, dalam setiap kunjungan ke komunitas Orang Rimba.
"Kalau kertasnya habis, ya kami pakai apa yang bisa untuk ditulis, kadang pakai kertas bekas bungkus rokok juga pernah," sebutnya.
Proses belajarnya pun tidak sama dengan dunia pendidikan normal yang memiliki ruangan kelas yang bagus. Anak-anak Orang Rimba ini belajar di alam terbuka. Mereka duduk bersama di bawah pohon rindang, kadangkala mereka belajar di tepi sungai. Tidak ada juga jam pelajaran sebagaimana umumnya. Perlu kesabaran ekstra agar dapat
mengumpulkan anak-anak Rimba itu.
"Kapan mereka kumpul, baru kita belajar. Jadi bisa saja belajarnya pagi, siang atau sore. Kalau malam jelas tidak bisa, karena tidak ada listrik," kata Karlin.
Dalam bertugas, tidak hanya sekadar mengajar baca dan tulis saja. Lembaga tempat dia bekerja juga melakukan advokasi untuk pendidikan anak-anak Orang Rimba. Sebagaimana misi Warsi yang juga menghubungkan Orang Rimba dengan jalur pendidikan formal, terutama untuk Orang Rimba yang berada dekat dengan fasilitas pendidikan.
"Ada juga Orang Rimba yang sudah dekat dengan pemukiman, seperti Orang Rimba di Desa Kedudung muda, mereka sekitar 2 jam perjalanan keluar rimba sudah ketemu sekolah formal. Untuk anak-anak di kelompok ini, kami usahakan mereka untuk bisa mengikuti pendidikan sekolah formal," jelas wanita berkulit kuning langsat ini.
Bagi anak-anak yang dekat dengan sekolah formal ini, rata-rata mereka telah mengikuti sekolah alternatif yang diselenggarakan Warsi. Mereka sudah bisa membaca, menulis dan berhitung serta sedikit pengetahuan umum. Kemudian mereka didaftarkan ke sekolah terdekat untuk mengikuti sekolah kelas jauh.
"Mereka kita daftarkan di sekolah formal, walau bukan langsung sekolah setiap
harinya, namun diatur jadwalnya dengan guru sekolah bersangkutan. Kemudian dipilih
tempat untuk pertemuan, biasanya dilakukan di kantor lapangan kita," tambah Karlin.
Hasilnya lumayan, dalam beberapa tahun ini anak-anak rimba sudah ada yang mengikuti
ujian persamaan UAN. "Walau belum terlalu banyak, tapi tahun kemarin sudah ada 3 orang yang lulus UN, namun sayang mereka belum lanjut ke jenjang berikutnya, lagi-lagi terkedala jarak yang jauh dengan SMP terdekat," kata Karlin.
Tidak hanya itu, sebaran Orang Rimba yang cukup luas, yang terbagi dalam tiga kelompok besar, yaitu di TNBD, selatan Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh (TNBT) dan sepanjang jalan lintas Sumatera mulai dari batas Jambi-Sumatera Selatan sampai Batas Jambi-Sumbar. Di beberapa tempat di Jalan Lintas, Warsi juga mengadvokasikan pendidikan formal untuk anak-anak rimba. Selain langsung menghubungkan dengan pihak sekolah, staf pendidikan juga melakukan advokasi ke pemerintah.
"Bagaimana pun pendidikan hak semua orang, dan negaralah yang berkewajiban untuk memenuhi hak tersebut, kami dari Warsi mendorong supaya negara lebih tanggap dan lebih berkomitmen untuk pendidikan Orang Rimba," ucap Karlin.
Apalagi sebagian besar Orang Rimba di jalan lintas sudah berintegrasi dengan kelompok masyarakat Melayu maupun masyarakat transmigrasi. "Sarana pendidikan sebenarnya sudah sangat dekat dengan mereka, hanya stigma yang dilekatkan kelompok masyarakat lain pada Orang Rimba seringkali menyebabkan mereka tidak diterima bersekolah di sekolah formal. Ini yang terus kami upayakan supaya negara dapat mengambil peran untuk memenuhi hak-hak masyarakat adat seperti halnya Orang Rimba," harap Karlin.
sumber : http://www.detiknews.com/read/2011/02/28/105801/1580963/608/karlina-sang-guru-anak-anak-orang-rimba?nd991107608
Labels: Dunia informasi
Jayapura - Lagi-lagi aksi anggota polisi di Papua mencoreng korps Polri. Setelah pekan lalu, 4 oknum polisi menggauli seorang ABG berumur 15 tahun, kali ini lagi-lagi ada empat oknum polisi yang bertindak tidak senonoh. Mereka memaksa seorang tahanan wanita melakukan oral seks.
Sebut saja Bunga, sang wanita itu. Dia ditangkap dan ditahan polisi sejak November 2010 karena kasus perjudian. Bunga yang tidak berdaya di tahanan itu telah mendapat perlakuan tak terpuji dari tiga oknum polisi bejat itu pada bulan November 2010, tak lama setelah masuk tahanan.
Namun, kasus ini baru terendus pers, usai Bunga dipindahkan ke sel Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LP) Abepura.
Kapolda Papua Irjen Bekto Suprapto saat dikonfirmasi pers, Senin (28/2/2011) membenarkan perilaku memalukan bawahannya itu. Bekto menuturkan, tindakan ketiga oknum itu sungguh sangat memalukan dan mencoreng institusi. "Tindakan mereka sangat biadab dan memalukan," tegas dia.
Menurut Bekto, ketiga pelaku sudah mengakui perbuatan tercela tersebut. "Selain ketiga oknum itu sudah mengakui perbuatannya, korban juga sudah mengaku," aku dia.
Kapolda juga mengatakan bahwa ketiga pelaku sudah diberi sanksi. Namun, sayangnya, ketiga pelaku ini hanya diganjar hukuman disiplin.
sumber : http://www.detiknews.com/read/2011/02/28/192725/1581586/10/keterlaluan-tahanan-wanita-dipaksa-oral-seks-3-oknum-polisi?nd991103605
Labels: Berita unik
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Nissan Frontier is the name for the D22 and D40 generations of Nissan pickup trucks in North, Central and South America and the Philippines. The line was started in 1998, and its immediate predecessor is the D21 Nissan Hardbody truck. As of 2002, the D22 series Nissan Truck is no longer sold in Japan, with the primary market having been relocated to North America, built at the Smyrna, Tennessee Nissan factory. Nissan was the pioneer of the Hardbody or Nissan Navara since 1986. The first was the D21, considered to be a small pick up. After more than 10 years with the D21, the second generation Navara was manufactured from 1998 and went until 2005 which was classed as a compact sized pick up. It was replaced with the bigger, taller, longer D40, which Nissan now considers to be a mid-size pick up truck. The Navara gets its name from the Navarre region of northern Spain, and the European version is built at the Nissan factory in Barcelona.
The Frontier was introduced in 1997 for the 1998 model year as a replacement for the aging 1986.5–1997 Nissan Hardbody Truck. Nissan first offered the Frontier with a 4-cylinder engine, the KA24DE, but added the V6 engine, the VG33E in 1999. Elsewhere, the Frontier was also known as the Nissan Navara That changed, with the introduction of the 2000 Frontier Crew Cab. The Crew Cab was the first compact pickup to offer a 4-door body-style in North America. Until that point, crew cabs were heavy duty versions of full-size trucks and were mainly used as commercial vehicles, although four-door compact pickups existed in Asia and Europe for decades. For 2001, Nissan facelifted the Frontier, introducing bolder styling in an effort to make it more appealing to younger buyers in its second generation. The Frontier was completely redone after the 2004 model year, which later resulted in the suspension of the regular cab model, indefinitely. Built in Japan from 1997 to 2000. Versions: Single cab, King Cab, Crew Cab (Introduced in 2000 and only available on 2000-current models). Engines: Petrol (KA24DE) and Diesel (TD27) (2wd and 4wd) with 5sp manual transmission. Also exported to Central and South America. US production in Tennessee started in 1998 with a Single cab and a King cab, a Crew Cab arrived in 2000. Also in 2000 a special edition was first offered called the Desert Runner. It had a king cab base but on the 4X4 frame which gave it a boost in ride height, bigger tires and a 4 speed 2WD drivetrain. In 2001 the Desert Runner got a new look and a supercharged version of the V6 engine.
The first Gen Frontier (2001–2004) was not sold or produced in Japan. Sales and production started in North America, with Crew Cab and King Cab versions and new grille, bumper, headlights, taillights, built in fender flares, and tailgates. Available engines include a petrol 2.4L, 3.3L, and a 3.3L Supercharged version 210 hp (160 kW). It is available with both 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive. The plant in Spain replaced production in Japan. They began exporting the second generation to Central and South America where it is called Frontier. Single Cabs and Crew Cabs are available with the Petrol or Diesel engines, 2wd and 4wd. Also in Australia and New Zealand. Brazil plant started production around 2002 (Crew Cab Diesel 2wd or 4wd, 5 speed manual, or single cab 2wd Diesel. Only for export to Mexico petrol 2.4 cc Built in Mexico) and export to Argentina (all Brazilians versions) and Mexico (Crew Cab, Petrol 2.4L, 2wd, Manual 5 speed). Egypt Plant export to Middle East, South Africa Plant to African countries. Mexico production, starting in 2008: D22 truck Single Cab Chassis and Long Bed (2wd or 4wd, Petrol 2.4L or Diesel, Crew Cab (2wd and Petrol) called D22 Pick up, Nissan Mexicana import from USA D40 Frontier V6.
Initially, the Frontier was considered a compact, but beginning with the totally redesigned model year 2005 Frontier (introduced at the 2004 North American International Auto Show), it became more mid-sized. It uses the new Nissan F-Alpha platform and exterior body styling resembles that of the company's full-size Nissan Titan truck. The new truck's wheelbase is 125.9 in (3.20 m) with a 205.5 in (5.22 m) overall length. Towing capacity is 6500 lb (2,950 kg). A 4.0 L VQ-family V6, the VQ40DE, is the standard engine, and it produces a respectable 265 hp (198 kW) with 284 ft·lbf (385 N·m) of torque. Also available is the QR25DE four-cylinder engine, which is also found in the Nissan Altima. A six-speed manual is standard with a five-speed automatic optional. Both rear and four-wheel drive are available. Traction control and hill-descent control are also available. The Frontier is called Navara when sold in Europe. The engine is a 2.5 L YD25DDTi diesel, with 142 hp (106 kW) or 172 hp (128 kW). The stronger version has 403 N·m (297 lb·ft) of torque. Suzuki has begun selling a Frontier-based mid-sized pickup that is produced by Nissan North America at the Smyrna plant.[8] The truck debuted at the 2008 Chicago Auto Show as the Suzuki Equator.[9] For 2009 the Frontier will get a face lift with more options, colors, and new wheels. The Nismo model will be replaced by a new PRO-4X model.
The Navara came with a 174 bhp (130 kW; 176 PS) (169 bhp (126 kW; 171 PS) engine on post September '06 vehicles with the introduction of the Euro IV compliant engine). It has four trim levels, the S, SE, Outlaw and Aventura. The Aventura trim package is equipped with leather upholstery, Dual Zone Climate Control, 6 CD/MP3 changer and satellite navigation as standard. In Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the D40 Navara has a few differences from the UK versions. There are 2 engines available, 2.5 liter Turbo-charged Diesel engine and the V-6 petrol. The Diesel engine in 4WD models produces 128 kW (172 hp) at 4000 rpm and 403 N·m (297 lb·ft) at 2000 rpm, with the 2WD models producing less at 106 kW (142 hp) at 4000 rpm and 356 N·m (263 lb·ft) at 2000 rpm. The V-6 produces 198 kW (266 hp) at 5600 rpm of power and 385 N·m (284 lb·ft) at 4000 rpm of torque. Both engines come with a standard 5 speed Automatic, with a 6 speed manual available for the Diesel. These models do not have leather, climate control or satellite navigation system like their UK versions. The 2008 model of the Navara was launched on July 2. Changes included a new style of alloy wheels, bluetooth as standard, side work lights and indicators on the wing mirrors.
The 2008 Single Cab became available in Thailand since March 6. The 2.5 engine reduces the torque down from 356 N·m (263 ft·lbf) to 294 N·m (217 ft·lbf) @ 2,000 rpm. Using 15" wheels and exclusively reserved modified chassis. Power steering is standard, also available electric mirrors and central locking as optional extra. Nissan planned to sell the single cab and began to export worldwide at the same month. Nissan also continue to sell the D22 pickups with minor updates for a cheaper choice (now called as Frontier LCV). The Nissan Navara Double Cab became available in Malaysia on November 5, 2008. It is available with a 2.5L diesel engine producing 128 kW (172 hp) and 403 N·m (297 ft·lbf), only with a 5-speed automatic. A year later the 6-speed manual version is available. The D22 series Nissan Frontier remains on sale in Malaysia with a manual transmission. In November 2008 Nissan Thailand Released the all new Nissan Navara Calibre with a 144 PS (106 kW) @4000 rpm 36.3 kg·m (356 N·m; 263 ft·lbf) @2000 rpm available with a 5 speed automatic an a 6 speed manual transmissions. The Navara is not offered in Singapore due to the high excise duty for the pickup trucks there, and lack of interests.
Nissan has released the complete details and images of the 2010 Nissan Navara facelift along with the 2011 Nissan Pathfinder facelift. The 2010 Nissan Navara facelift are now powered by a new 3.0-litre V6 turbo V9X Engine diesel engine producing 240 hp (175 kW),406 lb-ft (500 Nm) @ 2,500 rpm and a revised 2.5-litre dCi unit(YD25DDTi High Power). The 2011 Nissan Navara and Pathfinder facelift V6 develop 170 kW (231 PS) and 550 Nm of torque between 1,700 rpm and 2,500 rpm an the famous YD engine which produces 190 PS (140 kW) and 450 Nm of torque an the VQ40DE remains the same with the 265 hp @5600 rpm; 291 ft·lbf (395 N·m) @4000 rpm. There are subtle changes to the headlights and the bonnet. The v-shaped grille shell is less pronounced and the bumper is rounder and projects 80mm further forward, but it's the six-spoke 17-inch alloy wheels or optional 18-inch alloy wheels that will be the plainest tell-tale to the new vehicle's identity.
Inside the new Navara (top of the line model), Nissan designers have specified softer materials of a better quality for the dash, seats and interior moulds. The centre console and fascia designs have been revised, as have the instrument binnacle layout and door trims. Additional bright/gloss finish surfacing is used throughout the cabin. The six-stack CD audio system or the TV Navigation entertainment console is upgraded with speed-sensing volume, MP3 compatibility and Bluetooth connectivity for the (six-stack CD audio system). Other new or revised features include dual-zone climate control, remote audio/Bluetooth/trip computer controls on the steering wheel, trip computer, external temperature gauge, speed-sensitive variable windscreen wipers and 'follow me home' lighting. The electric mirrors now fold in fully for car washes or parking in narrow spaces. Importantly, the upgraded Navara (diesel only) gains stability control—or Vehicle Dynamic Control to use Nissan's term for it—and all petrol V6 and diesel variants score side-impact and side-curtain airbags to complement the dual front airbags. Facelift for the South America, Asia/Oceania (except Australia), and the Caribbean models which is produced in Thailand will get it face lift later this year.
The Volkswagen Jetta is a small family car, produced by German automaker Volkswagen Group for the Volkswagen Passenger Cars marque since 1979. Positioned to fill a saloon/sedan niche above the firm's Golf hatchback offering, it has been marketed over five generations variously as the Atlantic, Bora, City Jetta, Jetta City, Fox, GLI, Jetta, Sagitar, and Vento. The Jetta was originally adapted by adding a conventional trunk to the Golf hatchback, and some distinctive styling (usually the front end, and sometimes slight interior changes). It has been offered in two- and four-door saloon (sedan), and five-door estate (station wagon) versions - all as five-seaters. As of 2005, over 6.6 million cars have been sold worldwide, over one-third in the United States alone. Since the original version in 1980, the car has grown in size and power with each successive generation. The Jetta nameplate is a reference to the Atlantic 'jet stream', reflecting the period in Volkswagen's history when it named its vehicles after prominent winds. These also included the Volkswagen Passat (after the German word for trade wind), Volkswagen Bora (after bora), and Volkswagen Scirocco (after sirocco).
The sixth-generation Volkswagen Jetta, known as the NCS (New Compact Sedan) during its development, was announced in the North American market in June 2010. The new model is larger and cheaper to produce than the previous Jetta making the vehicle more competitive against rivals such as the Toyota Corolla and Honda Civic as part of Volkswagen's goal of reaching sales of 800,000 units in the North American market by 2018. Production of the vehicle is at Volkswagen's Puebla, Mexico, facility. Although no longer sharing any body panels with the Golf and having a longer wheelbase, this model is partly based on the same PQ35 platform. Volkswagen's target of increasing its North American sales removed the Jetta from the premium compact car market. This forced many cost-cutting measures to be made for the North American models, which include a lower quality trim material for the interior and the replacement of leather with leatherette as an optional seating upholstery. The North American version also loses the multi-link rear suspension of the previous generation. Engines from the MK5 Jetta carried over include the 170 hp 2.5 L (five-cylinder) as well as the economy-minded 140 hp 2.0 TDI (diesel) engine. A hybrid, 1.4 L engine mated to an electric motor will be available in 2012 due to hybrid popularity in North America. In North America, the base model (S in the US, Trendline in Canada) receives a dated 2.0-liter 8-valve four-cylinder engine with 115 horsepower and 125 lb-ft torque. Additionally, the intricate, space-saving, gas-strut trunk hinges used on the Mk III, Mk IV, and Mk V are to be replaced with less expensive gooseneck hinges that cut into available trunk space and can damage luggage. The Jetta GLI, a sedan version of the Golf GTI based on the new Jetta, will be revealed early at the 2011 Chicago Auto Show with the 2.0 TSI 200 hp engine and a fully independent suspension, as well as the European Jetta's soft touch materials. A black honeycomb grill, aggressive lower intakes, side adorning foglights, and smoked taillights are all elements to separate it from its run-of-the-mill counterpart.
This model is also expected to be introduced in the European and other markets from 2011 onwards. The engine range for Europe is expected to comprise 1.2 TSI, 1.4 TSI (122 or 160 PS), 2.0 TSI, 1.6 TDI and 2.0 TDI engines. The European version will differ in some respects, particularly in having multi-link suspension at the rear. The European version will also incorporate soft-touch plastics on most of the dashboard (not the doors for this generation), and the rear seat center air vents have been restored. The sixth-generation Jetta went on sale on July 22, 2010 in Mexico, thus becoming the only country in the world where the fourth (as Clasico), fifth (as Bora) and sixth generation Jetta are available. A special edition named "Bicentenario" and approved by the Mexican government commemorates that country's 200th anniversary of the beginning of its war of Independence, on September 16, 1810. It is also the first car in Mexico with granted permission to use an official government logo (a "2010" plaque).
Early speculation said the high performance version, called Jetta R, would be using a 2.0-litre turbocharged engine as same as Golf R and Scirocco R, but at the European introduction of the sixth-generation Jetta in October 2010, Volkswagen announced a planned Jetta R with a VR6 engine. The Jetta R uses a 3.6-litre VR6 engine, which enabled acceleration to 100 km/h (62.1 mph) in 5.5 seconds approximately. The engine power output was not revealed. It has many distinguishing features over the other Jetta siblings, such as 'R' engraved stainless steel pedals, 'R' imprinted sport leather seats, Bi-Xenon headlights, 4motion all-wheel drive system, and quad rear muffler tailpipes. It will enter production next year if market demand is sufficient.
Elegant Volkswagen Jetta with silver color
Elegant Volkswagen Jetta interior
Amazing Volkswagen Jetta design
Beautiful red of Volkswagen Jetta
The Volkswagen Sharan is a large MPV produced by the German automaker Volkswagen since 1995. The name Sharan is derived from a Persian word meaning "Carrier of Kings".[citation needed] The Volkswagen Group subsequently rebadged the Sharan in 1996, and sold it as the SEAT Alhambra alongside the Sharan. All variants were produced at the joint venture plant AutoEuropa in Portugal, alongside the closely-related Ford Galaxy. Each of the three MPV models had its own subtle differences in exterior, and, for the Galaxy, in interior design. As of 2007, the annual production for the Sharan is in the 50,000 unit range; it is sold in Europe, South Africa and some Asia-Pacific and Latin American countries. In Mexico it was available with the 1.8L Turbo 4 cil 150 hp (112 kW) with 5 speed Tiptronic automatic gearbox in Comfortline trim only, while in Argentina it is available with the 1.8L Turbo and the 1.9L TDI 115 hp 4-cylinder engines, in both 5-speed manual and 5-speed Tiptronic transmissions in Trendline trim only. In total VW almost sold 670.000 units of its Sharan over 15 years of time. The Sharan is not sold in the United States and Canada. Originally this was due to an agreement between Ford and Volkswagen, leaving the market free from competition for Ford's Aerostar minivan. More recently, Volkswagen decided not to introduce the Sharan in North America, ceased developing the Microbus concept, and instead introduced a badge-engineered variant of the Chrysler minivans as the Routan. This was launched in 2009, and replaced the Sharan in Mexico, the only North American country in which it was sold.
A further minor cosmetic facelift was also done for the 2004 model year, in September 2003. This updated primarily the grille and the noticeable round tail lights, and added some new standard equipment such as air conditioning and curtain side air bags. From 2006, an all-new Ford Galaxy model was introduced, built at a dedicated Ford plant in Limburg, Belgium making the Sharan and Alhambra designs dedicated to the Volkswagen Group. With the production of the new Ford Galaxy moving to Belgium, the final first-generation Ford Galaxy rolled off the AutoEuropa line at the end of 2005, while the first-generation Sharan and SEAT Alhambra continued in production at AutoEuropa, alongside the Volkswagen Eos and the new Scirocco until 2010.The second-generation Sharan was launched at the 2010 Geneva Motor Show and a month later the second-generation of its sibling model, the SEAT Alhambra, was officially announced. Although still built at the AutoEuropa factory in Portugal, the new model inherits only its name from the previous Sharan, compared to which it is 220 mm (8.7 in) longer, 92 mm (3.6 in) wider and 12 mm (0.5 in) lower, with the wheelbase lengthened by 75 mm (3.0 in). Weight has been reduced by 30 kg (66 lb). The initial engine range comprises 1.4 litre TSI (148 bhp) and 2.0-litre (197 bhp) petrol options, plus two 2.0 litre TDI diesel engines, rated at 138 and 168 bhp (125 kW; 170 PS). The rear doors now slide open rather than being hinged.
Volkswagen is unveiling the 2010 Sharan, its third-gen petite minivan, at the City auto feigning. The revised VeeDub bolsters the motorcar vanlet divide in Europe mass the past debuts of the new Ford Grand C-MAX, Mazda 5, and Ford Meriva. Serving as an authentic VW fill mover-rather than a tarted-up Chrysler Town & Country-the 2010 Sharan grows in virtually every magnitude, spell also gaining a medicate or two of culture and practicality. To provide an air of the extent of the revisions, VW says the only components carried over from the early posture are the sun visors. Riding on a 115.0-inch wheelbase, the new Sharan is 8.7 inches person at 190.9, 3.6 inches wider at 74.8, and 0.5 inch junior at 67.7. Spell the further filler allows for the Sharan’s first-time fitment of sliding rear doors, it also necessitates a more-powerful menu of hydrocarbon and technologist engines. A brace of direct-injected turbo fours pouring on gas substance outputs of 150 and 200 hp, while the 2.0-liter TDI turbo-diesel comes in 140- and 170-hp strengths. All-wheel repulse is lendable, as are dual-clutch DSG automated exercise gearboxes; six-speed practice transmissions are definitive, drop for the top-of-the-line TDI strain, which comes canonical with the DSG. Engine start/stop application and an energy-recuperation method that captures wasted kinetic liveliness to helpfulness commonwealth the vehicle’s electrical system encourage to render saving as intoxicated as 43 mpg in the one forge, thanks to the Sharan’s 18.5-gallon vessel.
Piece MPVs rarely generate often sound curbside, the Sharan wears its new VW joint sheetmetal fine, equal a big Golf hatchback that got extended in a spin. It’s not in-your-face same the Meriva with its rear-hinged “suicide” doors, but much of a straighten, understated visage that nicely incorporates the brand’s current design cues, as seen on the 2010 Sport and Jetta SportWagen, as shaft as the 2011 Touareg. With up to 81 isometric feet of payload inhabit behind the freshman row, VW’s vanlet offers vast potentiality privileged. Five-passenger seating is basic, with options to increase that to six or sevener occupants. Dissimilar the preceding simulation, in which the agreement and base rows had to be separate for further area, all of the straighten room in the new Sharan can be collapsable scene into the room to create a destroy deposit surface-a grouping VW calls EasyFold. The endorse row also reclines and can travel front and aft up to 6.3 inches. Additional changes privileged include a redesigned helper committee and steering rotate, both of which are meant to lie solon same those recovered in the Sport and its variants. New highlights limit from easy power actuation for the back doors and position liftgate to the elective second-generation park-assist method, which employs sonar sensors and the electrically-assisted guidance to aid guide the object into parking spaces. Figure airbags, firmness mechanism, a significantly redesigned central housing, and 33 store cubbies are value, with options including varied national trims, 17-inch wheels, keyless accession and inflammation, an upgraded Dynaudio good group, and reflexive understanding (elsewhere) first this season.
Elegant Volkswagen Sharan with white color
Elegant Volkswagen Sharan interior
Cool Volkswagen Sharan in red color
Beautiful Volkswagen Sharan with green color
The Saturn Sky is the only sports car from the Saturn marque of American automaker General Motors. It was released in the first quarter of 2006 as a 2007 model. It uses the Kappa automobile platform shared with the Pontiac Solstice and Opel GT. The Sky concept was shown at the 2005 North American International Auto Show, with the production version following at the 2006 show. It was built at GM's Wilmington, Delaware plant, alongside the Solstice and the Opel GT. The Sky features 18 inch (457 mm) wheels and a 2.4 L Ecotec LE5 straight-4 engine that produces 177 hp (132 kW), a new straight-4 2.0 L direct injected engine that makes 260 hp (194 kW) as well as a turbocharged (dealer upgrade kit) version that makes 290 hp (216 kW). Both five-speed manual and automatic transmissions are available.

* 0-60 mph (97 km/h): 7.3 seconds
* 0-100 mph (160 km/h): 21.9 seconds
* 1/4 mile: 15.9 seconds @ 93 mph (150 km/h)
* Top speed: 135.5 mph (218 km/h)
* 70 mph (110 km/h)-0 mph braking: 174 ft (53 m)
* 300 ft (91 m) skidpad: 0.86 g
* EPA fuel economy: 19 mpg-US (12 L/100 km; 23 mpg-imp) city/25 mpg-US (9.4 L/100 km; 30 mpg-imp) highway

* 0-60 mph (97 km/h): 5.5 seconds
* 0-100 mph (160 km/h): 14.7 seconds
* 1/4 mile: 13.9 seconds @ 100 mph (161 km/h)
* Top speed: 141 mph (227 km/h)
* 70 mph (110 km/h)-0 mph braking: 168 ft (51 m)
* 300 ft (91 m) skidpad: 0.90 g
* EPA fuel economy: 19 mpg-US (12 L/100 km; 23 mpg-imp) city/28 mpg-US (8.4 L/100 km; 34 mpg-imp) highway
The Honda CR-V is a compact crossover SUV manufactured by the Japanese company Honda since 1995. It was loosely derived from the Honda Civic to satisfy a public demand for a sport-utility vehicle from Honda. There are discrepancies as to what "CR-V" stands for, with Honda sources in different markets citing different meanings. The most common meaning being "Civic Recreation Vehicle" since the is built on the Honda Civic Platform. Though Honda sales literature in UK reportedly makes references to "Compact Recreational Vehicle", other Honda references (including the official Honda Japan CR-V Fact Book and Honda Worldwide) cite "Comfortable Runabout Vehicle". It is produced in both all-wheel drive and front-wheel drive, although in many markets such as Australia and the United Kingdom, only front wheel drive is offered. Honda produces the CR-V in Japan and the United Kingdom for worldwide markets, and as of 2007, North American CR-Vs are produced in East Liberty, Ohio. The CR-V is produced in Wuhan for the Chinese market by the Dongfeng Honda Automobile Company, a joint venture with Dongfeng Motor Corporation. Starting in fall 2007, North American CR-Vs will also be produced in Jalisco, Mexico in addition to Britain, Japan and the US due to high demand. Honda executives considered making the CR-V as one of the first vehicles to be produced at Honda's new facility currently finishing construction in Greensburg, Indiana that opened in fall 2008; however, the facility will initially exclusively produce the Civic, which may free up space in East Liberty for CR-V production from the 2009 model year onward. Elsewhere, the CR-V is Honda's smallest SUV other than the related Element sold in Canada and the United States, and the HR-V sold in Europe. In size, the CR-V slots between the Element and Pilot. Introduced in Japan in 1995, the CR-V was Honda's first in-house designed SUV and was originally intended to be a niche vehicle only. Honda was hesitant to market the vehicle, since many felt the car did not have potential to sell alongside the Honda Passport and to take over the role of Honda's entry-level SUV. In the United States, it was displayed for the first time at the 1996 Chicago Auto Show. Citing strong sales from the comparable Toyota RAV4 upon its release, the model was then brought stateside in February 1997. The CR-V appeared around the same time as the Subaru Forester and a couple years after the JDM Nissan Rasheen.
Honda's Real Time 4WD system on the CR-V utilizes a Dual hydraulic Pump Rear Differential and 4WD Transfer case. The dual pump rear differental operates the front wheels during normal conditions then automatically transfers power to the rear wheels when needed, without the driver engaging the system. To allow the ABS braking system to work when the CR-V is engaged in four-wheel drive operation, the 4WD will turn off if the brakes are applied. An optional HONDA off road front skid plate and cargo roof rack are both available from Honda Dealerships. Later Model CR-Vs equipped with automatic transmissions also have a lockup torque converter and Grade Logic program which aids the CR-V when climbing steep inclines by keeping the transmission in the lower gear. The 2007 and later Model 4WD system was improved and sends an additional 20% more torque to the rear tires than earlier models. When driven off road, CR-Vs with the AWD System are typically used in the Green Laning or "Two-tracking" type of off roading. Although the body style remained the same as the first generation an update for the CR-V made from 1999 to 2001 was in response to criticism of the original engine lacking enough power for a vehicle of the CR-V's weight – 3,200 lb (1,500 kg). The engine was changed to the 2.0 L B20Z engine, producing 146 hp (109 kW) at 6200 rpm and 133 lb·ft (180 N·m) at 4500 rpm of torque. Fuel economy of 22 mpg-US (11 L/100 km; 26 mpg-imp) City/25 mpg-US (9.4 L/100 km; 30 mpg-imp) Highway (US) and price were not affected by the increase in power, which was the result of a higher compression ratio (9.6:1 compared to the B20B's 8.8:1), a new intake manifold, and slightly higher lift on the intake valves.Models equipped with an automatic transmission now had an overdrive cancel button that allowed the driver to lock the transmission in the first three gears to provide power for passing and climbing grades. The interior was also modified, as some consumers felt that the support provided by the seats was inadequate for longer trips.[citation needed] The pattern of the cloth on the seats was also redesigned.
On the inside of the car, the EX trim received upgrades which included steering wheel-mounted audio controls and an outside temperature monitor. The stereo system was also XM Satellite Radio ready (USA but not Canada). All CR-V models also had revised rear seat headrests, which had been redesigned to reduce rear view blockage. Mechanically, the 2005 model was also changed. A major change included a drive-by-wire throttle for all CR-Vs. The all-wheel drive system was improved; it had been tuned to activate faster in low traction situations. US market models were equipped with a 5 speed automatic, as opposed to the previous 4 speed automatic. Honda is also offering an integrated Navigation option on the EX-L model. The navigation unit is made for Honda by Alpine and includes voice activated control, XM radio (in the USA and Canada), in dash CD player that can play MP3 and WMA media. It also has a six-disc CD changer in the center console and a PC Card (PCMCIA) slot in the Nav unit for flash memory MP3 or WMA files. A second CD player is behind the navigation screen, this CD player plays MP3/WMA cds. A rear backup camera is also included. For the 2010 model year, the CR-V receives modest style, powertrain, and equipment changes. The exterior changes include a redesigned front fascia with a new horizontal-slat chrome grille and honeycomb-designed lower front grille, new front bumper, and revised taillights. The rear bumper is also redesigned, as well as new five split-spoke 17-inch alloy wheels for EX and EX-L models. The interior gains minor changes, such as improved seat fabrics, and wider driver & front-passenger armrests. The audio head unit controls are altered and the information display backlighting in the gauges is blue instead of the previous black. USB audio input is standard in the EX-L trim while hands-free Bluetooth connectivity is exclusive to the EX-L trim equipped with navigation system. Horsepower is increased from 166 to 180 for 2010 and mileage is improved by 1 MPG for both front-wheel and all-wheel drive models. EPA ratings are now 21/28 MPG city/highway and 21/27 MPG city/highway respectively. Specified oil weight changed from 5W-20 to 0W-20 from previous years with a change to the K24Z6 engine. Prices are increased between $300 and $900 depending on trim level. The 2010 model went on sale in the United States on September 10, 2009.
Labels: Honda
Ilmuwan berhasil memecahkan misteri kemampuan navigasi penyu yang menjangkau ribuan mil menuju pantai untuk menetas. Bagaimana cara penyu mengetahui arah tujuan?
Loggerhead turtles (penyu tempayan) berkembang biak di tepi Laut Tengah, Afrika Barat, Brasil dan sepanjang pantai tenggara Amerika Serikat.
Dalam waktu 24 jam setelah menetas, penyu itu kembali ke laut untuk memulai perjalanan menakjubkan searah jarum jam di sekitar Samudera Atlantik berjarak ribuan mil. Hebatnya, penyu betina akan kembali ke pantai untuk melihat kelahiran bayi penyu.
“Bagian paling sulit adalah melakukan navigasi terbuka di laut dalam menentukan posisi bujur atau timur ke laut,” kata ilmuwan Nathan Putman dari University of North Carolina.
Ilmuwan sebelumnya telah mengetahui makhluk ini menggunakan perubahan medan magnet bumi untuk memberi tahu mereka sisi utara ke selatan sehingga mengarahkan diri sepanjang garis lintang. Namun ilmuwan belum tahu bagaimana penyu memahami sisi bujur dari timur ke barat.
Kini ilmuwan tidak bisa lagi meremehkan kemampuan penyu. Hewan ini ternyata menggunakan medan magnet bumi untuk menciptakan sistem pemetaan mental yang mencakup empat poin utama dalam kompas yaitu utara, timur, selatan dan barat.
Para peneliti percaya penyu menciptakan pemetaan magnetic di pemikiran mereka dengan mengkombinasi informasi tentang sudut medan magnet dan intensitas magnetik.
“Meskipun banyak binatang yang mampu mendeteksi kemiringan atau intensitas magnetic saat penentuan bujur, namun penyu tempayan mampu menganalisis kedua parameter magnetik yaitu bujur dan lintang,” kata Putman lagi dalam jurnal Current Biology.
sumber : http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1273212/inilah-rahasia-trik-navigasi-menakjubkan-penyu
Labels: Dunia hewan, Dunia informasi, Unik
Game legendaris Mortal Kombat seri terbaru hampir dipastikan tak akan masuk Australia. Pasalnya, lembaga setempat menemukan banyak adegan sadis dalam game itu.
Lembaga Classification Board, penentu rating di Australia, menetapkan game Mortal Kombat berstatus RC alias Refused Classification. Artinya, game itu termasuk dalam game paling brutal dan dilarang diperjualbelikan.
The Register melaporkan, Australia diduga akan menghambat upaya pembelian game berstatus RC itu melalui internet. Sementara itu, pengembang game, Warner Bros, tak menerima keputusan itu.
Pengembang game itu akan melakukan banding ke pengadilan setempat. “Kami menolak Mortal Kombat karena game itu penuh adegan sadis seperti memotong bagian tubuh, memenggal kepala hingga menyobek perut,” kata juru bicara Classification Board. “Tampilan game itu pun sangat detil dan realistik,” tutupnya
sumber : http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1274612/terlalu-sadis-australia-blokir-mortal-kombat
Labels: Komputer dan Internet
Peneliti Perancis berhasil mengembangkan perangkat lunak baru. Perangkat lunak baru ini bisa memperlihatkan orang kode genetik komplitnya melalui smartphone.
Perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan empat ilmuwan dari Bordeaux, barat daya Prancis, itu sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Amerika Serikat (AS). Pasalnya, penguraian genetik sangat dibatasi karena adanya hukum etika Prancis.
Aplikasi DNA itu mengubah data yang diperoleh dari uji DNA menjadi informasi tiga gigabytes yang siap diakses. Informasi ini akan menyorot risiko potensial kesehatan seseorang, seperti prediksi kanker payudara yang disertai peringatan dengan simbol merah.
"Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk pencegahan dan kewasapaan," kata pendiri proyek Patrick Merel.
Merel bersama rekannya mendirikan sebuah perusahaan, Portable Genomics, di Kalifornia. Di Prancis, penguraian genetik hanya bisa dilakukan oleh dokter dan untuk kepentingan medis.
Namun anggota National Ethics Council and Research Director French National Centre for Scientific Research Patrick Gaudray mengatakan bahwa data yang diperoleh dari pindai DNA tak selalu dapat diandalkan dan hanya terbatas pada aplikasi medis saja.
Meski begitu, Merel tak mengetujui pendapat Gaudray. "Gen kita adalah milik kita,” katanya. “Mengapa kita tak punya akses pada gen kita?" tutupnya.
sumber : http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1274712/kode-genetik-bisa-diketahui-lewat-aplikasi-ponsel
Labels: Dunia Teknologi, Unik
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Amazing Black Skoda Fabia

Luxury Skoda Fabia
Sporty Skoda Fabia

Skoda Fabia View Detail

Skoda Fabia Interior

Red Skoda Fabia

Skoda Fabia Hatchback
Labels: Skoda